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Hidden Consequences of Missing Teeth

GirlCoveingMouthMissing teeth can create more than just a gap in your smile. In addition to affecting speech and the ability to chew food, missing teeth can lead to problematic oral health complications that you may not be aware of. The more teeth you are missing, the more severe these issues can become, so it is important to seek the help of an experienced restorative and cosmetic dentist, like Wayde Fawcett, DDS, to replace teeth as soon as possible. Dr. Fawcett is highly skilled in a wide range of state-of-the-art tooth replacement procedures, as well as periodontal treatments and full mouth rehabilitation—all of which can restore the health, function, alignment, and appearance of your smile. Every treatment plan is customized to suit your dental needs, budget, and goals to give you a confident, long-lasting smile.

Consequences of tooth loss can include:

If you are concerned about the oral health consequences of missing teeth, we welcome you to contact our practice to schedule a consultation with Dr. Fawcett.